Monday, December 26, 2011

Join Hands For Humans: Construction of Widow House

Join Hands For Humans: Construction of Widow House: Dear All, There is a Widow in Bahawalpur who is living with 4 orphans in a house whose condition is very poor. So it is needed to recostru...


  1. How one can verify whether it's genuine or not?

  2. Hi desipreneur! We know these people personally and only list these projects here when we know the beneficiaries ourselves. Since there are many people interested to help poor and less fortunate ones, but are unable to verify whether the demand is genuine, whether they really are handicapped, whether they can work but since they find donors they keep on living on donations or do they really need help, etc. It is for this reason that we have concentrated our efforts only in Bahawalpur city in Pakistan where our families are living for quite some time and know many people around there. Members of our family have access to male and female members of several households and they only bring up such requests after carefully assessing genuineness of the need. We have been doing this for about 2 years now, and can post evidence upon request of the 4 major categories of projects we have worked on like organizing wedding of orphan girls, assisting poor in medical treatment, monthly financing of widows with children, monthly financing of poor children's education. Should you need more details, please feel free to ask. Thanks.

  3. Good efforts, Lets join hands together.

  4. Rs. 3520 received from Mr. Syed Hashmi for this project.

  5. Rs.=5000/- received from Ms. Maryam Zafar.
    May Allah give her Ajr-e-Azeem.
